527547 - My Friend The Grasshopper - Created by Fishonastick
Recorded times for : 527547 - My Friend The Grasshopper
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
fati98 | 11m 48s701 | 11m 48s701 | 4 | 4 | |
neoscyther | 14m 39s673 | 41m 59s880 | 27 | 4 | |
game master man | 17m 53s131 | 17m 53s131 | 16 | 16 | |
beanwagon | 21m 59s144 | 21m 59s144 | 16 | 16 | |
cctheowl | 25m 16s274 | 41m 18s546 | 56 | 30 | |
mega marino | 32m 57s460 | 32m 57s460 | 56 | 56 | |
kryptickrash | 1h 10m 21s969 | 1h 11m 58s886 | 57 | 56 | |
myriachan | 2h 31m 24s254 | 2h 31m 31s332 | 160 | 159 | |
flying kyuubi | 36m 4s388 | 49 | |||
hellfireskyrim | 24m 25s592 | 24 | |||
bielles52 | 9m 35s987 | 6 | |||
mopbrothers | 2m 14s642 | 2 |
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Last Levels uploaded by : Fishonastick
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
576036 | 4m 11s646 | 7 1 |
25 | Very Hard94% | Very Long79 |
575948 | 35s957 | 4 1 |
12 | Easy11% | Very Short3 |
575940 | 50s439 | 6 0 |
15 | Very Easy9% | Very Short2 |
575483 | 3m 17s041 | 15 2 |
28 | Normal54% | Long57 |
573470 | 3m 8s533 | 32 0 |
64 | Very Easy9% | Classic28 |
573414 | 1m 38s050 | 33 2 |
80 | Easy35% | Classic39 |
571577 | 13m 38s152 | 14 5 |
34 | Kaizoish99% | Classic40 |
570857 | 3m 37s867 | 7 2 |
18 | Hard63% | Very Short10 |
567882 | 14m 5s811 | 8 2 |
18 | Very Hard90% | Huge127 |
567521 | 2m 19s341 | 21 2 |
40 | Very Hard88% | Classic40 |