409005 - The Awful Bossrush Remastered - Created by Awful
Recorded times for : 409005 - The Awful Bossrush Remastered
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths | |
fati98 | 32m 7s913 | 32m 7s913 | 66 | 66 | |
awful | 34m 12s527 | 34m 12s527 | 48 | 48 | |
lunar chris | 53m 21s666 | 53m 21s666 | 58 | 58 | |
kuumba | 1h 17m 6s175 | 1h 17m 6s175 | 105 | 105 | |
flying kyuubi | 2h 39m 56s256 | 2h 40m 12s384 | 367 | 367 | |
fishonastick | 3h 1m 47s384 | 3h 1m 47s384 | 204 | 204 | |
thethinker | 2m 4s208 | 3 |
You need to be connected to comment levels.
Last Levels uploaded by : Awful
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
521874 | 2m 23s823 | 15 7 |
45 | Normal60% | Classic23 |
514025 | 1m 31s747 | 12 4 |
37 | Very Hard91% | Short20 |
501170 | 6 7 |
25 | Removed | Classic21 |
445160 | 0 11 |
33 | Removed | Classic24 |
431708 | 6m 16s183 | 11 1 |
34 | Very Easy2% | Short20 |
431325 | 9 5 |
56 | Unknown?% | Classic25 |
420211 | 10m 902 | 31 8 |
93 | Very Hard92% | Long53 |
411534 | 21m 38s074 | 14 2 |
53 | Normal41% | Long52 |
411019 | 2m 12s122 | 8 1 |
29 | Very Easy7% | Short20 |
409005 | 32m 7s913 | 14 2 |
72 | Kaizoish100% | Huge155 |